Il programma Fulbright IIE-Placed  offre 3 borse di studio riservate a cittadini italiani per la frequenza di Master e Ph.D. presso campus statunitensi durante l’a.a. 2016-17



$ 38,000 per la frequenza del primo anno accademico di Master o Ph.D. negli USA  durante l’a.a. 2016-17

1.500 Euro a copertura delle spese di viaggio tra Italia e Stati Uniti

Supporto da parte dell’Institute of International Education nelle procedure di selezione e ammissione ai campus americani

Assicurazione medica finanziata dallo U.S.Department of State

Sponsorizzazione del visto di ingresso J-1



Cittadini italiani in possesso del titolo di laurea triennale, magistrale/specialistica, laurea vecchio ordinamento o Diploma rilasciato dalle Accademie di Arte o dai Conservatori di Musica.

Candidati in possesso di un’ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese comprovata da TOEFL con punteggio pari a 90/120 o da IELTS con punteggio pari a 7.0 (modalità Academic).



Le borse di studio Fulbright IIE-Placed sono offerte per la frequenza di Master e Ph.D. in tutti gli ambiti disciplinari ad eccezione delle seguenti discipline:

Programmi di specializzazione in Giurisprudenza (LLM)

Programmi di Organizzazione Aziendale (Business Administration) e/o programmi offerti  dalle Schools of Business Administration

Programmi di Specializzazione Clinica (internships o residencies) nell’ambito della Medicina e Chirurgia, della Odontoiatria, della Medicina Veterinaria e della Psicologia



Per partecipare alla competition i candidati sono invitati ad inviare la Fulbright-IIE placed application comprensiva di tutti i documenti richiesti entro il 27 aprile 2015.

Per maggiori informazioni su come candidarsi si prega di consultare attentamente la documentazione disponibile al seguente link:



The Intercultural Summer Academies are organized by InterCultur gGmbH (subsidiary of AFS Germany) andKarlshochschule International University and other international partners, as well as in close cooperation with Stiftung Mercator, one of Germany’s largest foundations. They bring together young people from all over the world to work together on the following questions: How are cultures constructed, how do people perceive the world, how can we solve the problems that arise when different cultural values meet? The Summer Academies are characterized by their innovative combination of university lectures and practical workshops. An experiential learning approach, leading to a very deep and lasting understanding of the topic addressed!




Today’s societies are differentiated up to a very high degree, due to the flux of migration and refugees, but often just because of historical developments that led to the current situation. Influencing factors can be post-colonial politics, economical dynamics, changing awareness of diversity in a specific context, and, of course, the overall globalization of information.

Sometimes, intercultural issues derive from differences in the cultural encoding and decoding of our activities. Often, as well, diversity is interpreted as ideology and the encounter of conflicting value systems.

The Summer Academy aims at developing applied solutions for intercultural challenges in business and society, focusing on the topics of international relations and intercultural conflict resolution. Furthermore, it introduces the term “Intercultural Competence” as well as the variety of methods used in trainings within this field and their design.



Differing attitudes towards energy politics and the sustainable use of resources are easily leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. The impact of culture in this context is often neglected or not taken in consideration. Therefore, this Summer Academy now approaches these topics from an intercultural perspective and aims at developing applied solutions for intercultural challenges in international energy politics as well as further ecological issues. Furthermore, the concept of “Sustainable Development” will be introduced.


Both Summer Academies are being held in English and are open to anyone aged 18–35 with a demonstrable interest in intercultural encounters, especially undergraduate students and young professionals. Scholarships are being offered (deadline for scholarship applications is March 31, 2015).


Are you interested? Please find more information in the attached flyers as well as on

International Summer School at UAB, Barcelona

UAB organizes an International Summer School in June-July 2015 in Barcelona! We are glad to welcome students at our Campus for a three-week study period: either from 8 to 26 June or 29 June to 16 July.

Students can get 6 ECTS on each subject, and up to 12 in six weeks. A certificate will be provided and its equivalence in ECTS.

More detailed information can be found at:

For any question, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Korean Government Scholarship Program at KNU

The Kyungpook National University (KNU), South Korea, is offering an exciting academic opportunity.


Successful applicants entering into graduate studies programs at KNU through the Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) are guaranteed scholarship. This scholarship is an excellent opportunity for students who would like to take part in graduate-level education and research programs.


The application period is from February 2, 2015 to March 20, 2015

More information are available here:  BrochureGuide, and the Guidelines – application.



Bootae Kim


Kyungpook National University

Office of International Affairs, Global Plaza 608.

80 Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu 702-701, KOREA

Tel: 82-53-950-6092  Fax: 82-53-950-6093


Tirocinio presso la Summer school of Archaeology in Abruzzo

Tirocinio presso la Summer school of Archaeology in Abruzzo (Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere – UNiversità di Pisa)

La Summer school of Archaeology in Abruzzo ricerca per il periodo 12 Luglio – 9 Agosto 2015 uno/a studente/ssa madrelingua inglese o con ottimo inglese, per un tirocinio formativo della durata di 4 settimane (o due studenti per 2 settimane ciascuno).

La Summer School of Archaeology è una scuola estiva di archeologia con sede in Abruzzo, aperta a studenti stranieri. Le attività svolte dal tirocinante saranno quelle di supporto alle attività quotidiane della scuola: traduzione di testi e supporto ai docenti durante le lezioni frontali.

Al candidato saranno riconosciuti 10 ECTS (oppure 5 ECTS per la permanenza di due settimane) e sarà offerto vitto, alloggio, un piccolo rimborso spese.

Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di contattare la dott.ssa Cristiana Petrinelli Pannocchia (


Stage a GaragErasmus (Pisa)

Cercasi studente/studentessa in Laurea Magistrale con interessi per il profilo content/social media manager, interessato/a alla gestione di tutti i canali digitali (Facebook, Twitter, Wito web, Linkedin).

L’obiettivo è veicolare i contenuti chiave della Fondazione GaragErasmus, cioè mobilità internazionale nel lavoro, career development, job opportunities, innovazione ed imprenditorialità. Dato che la funzione di GaragErasmus è quella di connettere la generazione Erasmus (Mobile ed internazionale) con aziende e investitori, è utile che la persona abbia sensibilità sui temi di Risorse Umane e di personal development, in chiave ovviamente internazionale.

Stage curriculare, non retribuito, luogo di svolgimento a Pisa in ambiente internazionale, contatto diretto con professionisti esperti da cui imparare e di formazione eterogenea. Opportunità di apprendimento su tutte le tematiche chiave della comunicazione: digital, istituzionale (contatti con Commissione e interlocutori istituzionali), Public Relations ed eventi. Indispensabile disinvoltura con gli strumenti tecnologici, curiosità e spirito di iniziativa.

Imprescindibile: ottima conoscenza inglese

Riferimenti e informazioni da:

The Bridge Education Abroad Institute (BEAI) summer programs in South Africa

The Bridge Education Abroad Institute (BEAI) organises summer programs in South Africa. Our institute plans short programs all across the world, to provide students with unique opportunities to experience different political cultures while strengthening their leadership and diplomacy skills. Our programs draw a diverse group of students together from all over the world to discuss pressing global issues while exchange cultural values. In a rapidly globalizing world, we believe these experiences are invaluable to the success of students in the global job market.

For the summer of 2015, we have programs scheduled in Cape Town and Johannesburg for the months of June, July and August. This program will include lectures from experienced professors and guest speakers from all over the globe, including the United States of America. A few of our professors include:

  • Professor Dr. Paul Joseph (Tufts University, USA). Author and Previous Director of the Peace and Justice Studies Program.
  •  Professor Dr. Solava Ibrahim (University of Cambridge, UK)– Director of MA in Poverty and Development a the institute for development policy and management
  • Service Learning Day with Educo Africa(Local NGO) – Vision- Young people understanding their roles as powerful agents of change – actively, confidently and positively contributing towards a better global community. Paired with 12 local South Africans for a meaningful day of service

The students will enrich their knowledge of South Africa’s history, international politics, and economics while also enjoying travel to famous and historic places. We also encourage students to get to know one another and share cultural values through planned social events.


  • Nelson Mandela’s Jail Cell at Robben Island
  • Big 5 African Safari
  • Apartheid Museum
  • Visit President Nelson Mandela’s home in the Soweto’s
  • NGO Service Learning day with Local South African Leaders


Please Note: We limit our South Africa programs to 12 students per program to enhance the students learning between our professors and students.


Students interested in this unique opportunity can contact us via


More information about our program are available at

Bando Consortium Traineeship 2014/2015

E’ stato pubblicato il Bando Consortium Traineeship 2014/2015,  visibile all’indirizzo (Sezione Bandi del Portale Internazionale

Il bando mette a disposizione degli studenti 28 contributi per lo svolgimento di traineeship all’estero della durata minima di 2 mesi (60 giorni); l’Ateneo è in grado di garantire ad ogni studente selezionato il finanziamento di 3 mensilità.

Le  attività ammesse, da realizzare presso una Istituzione straniera, sono: A) tirocini obbligatori B) tirocini extracurriculari C) attività di ricerca D) tesi.

Per concorrere, gli studenti interessati dovranno compilare online la relativa domanda di candidatura, a cui dovranno allegare un Traineeship Proposal Form, compilato dall’azienda ospitante e controfirmato per approvazione dal CAI di riferimento.

La scadenza per la presentazione della domanda è fissata alle ore 13 di venerdì 27 febbraio 2015.

L’attività di traineeship coperta da contributo potrà cominciare dopo la pubblicazione della graduatoria dei vincitori e la conseguente stipula del Contratto e dovrà concludersi entro il 30 settembre 2015.

University of Tartu International Summer University 2015

The University of Tartu International Summer University 2015 invites you to experience geographical variety in addition to academic diversity. We offer an outstanding selection of interdisciplinary and subject-specific summer programmes with versatile content where the topics are approached with an emphasis on practical knowledge. This year there are also many new scholarship opportunities.

Find your favourite among the programmes of social sciences, business, law and humanities:



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