Bridge Education Abroad Institute (BEAI) summer programs in South Africa

The Bridge Education Abroad Institute (BEAI) plans short programs all across the world, to provide students with unique opportunities to experience different political cultures while strengthening their leadership and diplomacy skills. Our programs draw a diverse group of students together from all over the world to discuss pressing global issues while exchange cultural values. In a rapidly globalizing world, we believe these experiences are invaluable to the success of students in the global job market.

For the summer of 2015, we have programs scheduled in Cape Town and Johannesburg for the months of June, July and August. This program will include lectures from experienced professors and guest speakers from all over the globe, including the United States of America. A few of our professors include:

  • Professor Dr. Paul Joseph (Tufts University, USA)-Author and Previous Director of the Peace and Justice Studies Program, PHD from UC Berkeley, Previous president of the national Peace Studies Association, Former Distinguished Chair for the United States-India Education Foundation (Fulbright program)
  •  Professor Dr. Solava Ibrahim (University of Cambridge, UK)– Director of MA in Poverty and Development a the institute for development policy and management, PHD and MPhil from Cambridge


Service Learning Day with Educo Africa(Local NGO) – Vision- Young people understanding their roles as powerful agents of change – actively, confidently and positively contributing towards a better global community. Paired with 12 local South Africans for a meaningful day of service, the students will enrich their knowledge of South Africa’s history, international politics, and economics while also enjoying travel to famous and historic places. We also encourage students to get to know one another and share cultural values through planned social events.


  • Nelson Mandela’s Jail Cell at Robben Island
  • Big 5 African Safari
  • Apartheid Museum
  • Visit President Nelson Mandela’s home in the Soweto’s
  • NGO Service Learning day with Local South African Leaders


We limit our South Africa programs to 12 students per program to enhance the students learning between our professors and students.


More information about the program, at

For more details,


Offerta di tirocini presso la British International School

La British International School offre agli studenti provenienti da tutto il mondo varie opportunità di tirocinio in molti dei suoi dipartimenti e la possibilità di mettere in pratica i concetti e le teorie acquisite durante i loro studi accademici.

Durante il tirocinio, gli studenti possono svilupparle in un ambiente internazionale, realizzare grandi progetti volti al progresso della società e acquisire competenze nella risoluzione di problemi organizzativi.

I tirocini avranno una durata minima di tre mesi e potranno iniziare già da aprile 2015.

Informazioni dettagliate su quattro possibilità di tirocinio si trovano qui: Sales Department InternshipTourism Department InternshipCreative Department InternshipInternational Coach hostess:steward – Paid Internship

Per ulteriori informazioni, è possibile scrivere a: o  o telefonare al numero di telefono +44 02035980502.

Mobilità presso la sede di Friburgo (CH)

Il Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere ha rinnovato recentemente, pur al di fuori del progetto Erasmus+, un accordo bilaterale con l’Università di Friburgo (CH) per la mobilità di studenti e docenti (

Sono previste due borse della durata di 5 mesi ciascuna. L’area di studio è Humanities.

L’elenco dei corsi della Facoltà di Lettere è questo:

L’Agenzia Nazionale Svizzera si è impegnata a coprire i costi delle borse anche per gli/le studenti/esse in entrata nelle sedi Svizzere.

Gli/le studenti/esse interessati/e a tale mobilità, sono pregati/e di far pervenire la loro domanda entro e non oltre venerdì 24 aprile alle ore 17:00 inviandola per email ai seguenti indirizzi ;

Le candidature potranno essere presentate anche dagli/lle studenti/esse che abbiano fatto domanda per la mobilità Erasmus, ma gli/le studenti/esse eventualmente selezionati/e per entrambi i programmi dovranno rapidamente optare per l’una o l’altra sede e non potranno cumulare le borse.

Le domande dovranno essere redatte in forma cartacea usando questa Application form. Si raccomanda di allegare l’elenco degli esami sostenuti solo nella forma scaricabile dal portale Alice. Gli/le studenti/esse iscritti/e alle Lauree Magistrali dovranno presentare anche l’elenco degli esami sostenuti durante il corso di studi concluso con la Laurea Triennale.

Di seguito, alcune informazioni sull’Università: GuidelinesThe UniversityScholarship Programme.

Mobilità studenti Corea

Il Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere (in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Filologia Letteratura e Linguistica) ha recentemente stipulato un accordo di mobilità (studenti e docenti) con la Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) di Seoul, Corea del Sud (

E’ dunque possibile per uno/a studente/essa del Dipartimento (iscritto/a alla Triennale o alla Magistrale) trascorrere il primo semestre dell’a.a. 2015/16 presso la HUFS, dando un numero di esami corrispondente a 30 ects.

Il primo semestre presso la HUFS dura dal 31 agosto al 18 dicembre.

Lo/a studente/essa dovrà, perciò, risiedere nel campus della HUFS per circa tre mesi e mezzo. Per avere un’idea sulle possibilità di alloggio: >> STUDENT LIFE menu >> Housing

L’accordo di mobilità prevede accesso a tutti i corsi della HUFS senza il pagamento di alcuna tassa di iscrizione. Una lista di corsi che si possono seguire si trova qui:  >> COURSES menu >> Undergrad (Seoul). La lista dei corsi del 205/16 non è ancora presente sul sito. Ma i corsi saranno sostanzialmente simili a quelli del 2014/15 (presenti sul sito).

L’Università di Pisa assegna al/la singolo/a studente/essa una borsa di studio, dell’importo di 3.000 €, per coprire i costi di spostamento, vitto e alloggio presso la HUFS.

Tale borsa di studio è, tuttavia, subordinata al conseguimento dei 30 ects. L’importo è proporzionalmente ridotto se lo/a studente/essa conseguono un numero minore di ects.

Gli/le studenti/esse interessati/e a tale mobilità, sono pregati/e di far pervenire la loro domanda, utilizzando questo formato (Application form) entro e non oltre venerdì 10 aprile alle ore 13:00

inviandola per email ai seguenti indirizzi ;


consegnandola a mano all’Ufficio Erasmus, Via P Paoli, 15 (terzo piano) nei giorni di mercoledì 25 marzo, lunedì 30 marzo, mercoledì 1 aprile, giovedì 2 aprile, mercoledì 8 aprile, giovedì 9 aprile, venerdì 10 aprile tra le ore 9,00 e le ore 13,00.

Alla domanda dovranno essere allegati:

  • un breve CV;
  • possibili certificati che confermino la buona/ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese;
  • l’elenco degli esami sostenuti nella forma scaricabile dal portale Alice. Gli studenti iscritti alle Lauree Magistrali dovranno assolutamente presentare anche l’elenco degli esami sostenuti durante il corso di studi concluso con la Laurea Triennale.

Tra gli/le studenti/esse che abbiano fatto domanda verrà fatta una prima selezione sulla base della documentazione presentata.

Gli/le studenti/esse ritenuti/e più meritevoli/e verranno contattati/e (via email) e invitati/e a sostenere un colloquio orale, in inglese, che si svolgerà venerdì 17 aprile alle ore 10,00.


Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di contattare:

Dott. Arturo Marzano, CAI del Dipartimento:

Dott.ssa Claudia Lo Rito, Vice CAI:

AUB Summer Arabic Programs (Modern Standard Arabic & Colloquial Lebanese Arabic) June 22 – August 7, 2015

The Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies at the American University of Beirut will offer two intensive Arabic programs in the summer of 2015: one in Modern Standard Arabic and one in Colloquial Lebanese Arabic.

The program in Modern Standard Arabic provides intensive instruction at eight levels: Introductory, High Introductory, Low Intermediate, Intermediate, High Intermediate, Advanced, Superior and High Superior. The total of 186 classroom hours is equivalent to 9 credit hours earned at AUB which may be transferred to other universities. The typical daily workload includes five hours of MSA and one hour of Lebanese dialect, followed by lectures, field trips, clubs and movies which are integrated into the program. Students should also expect at least four hours of homework each day. The program uses the Georgetown Arabic language textbooks by Brustad, al-Batal, and al-Tonsi and other supplementary materials.

The program in Colloquial Lebanese Arabic provides intensive instruction at the intermediate level. This program is designed for students who already have some knowledge of Levantine dialect and wish to reach a higher level. Students applying to this level must have studied Modern Standard Arabic for at least two semesters. The course consists of 120 contact hours, equivalent to 6 credit hours earned at AUB, which may be transferred to other universities. The typical daily workload includes four hours of colloquial Lebanese Arabic followed by lectures, field trips, clubs and movies which are integrated into the program. Students should also expect at least four hours of homework each day. The program uses teaching materials developed by CAMES as well as Lebanese films, songs, and other audiovisual materials.

The deadline for regular admission in both programs is April 15, 2015.

Students who apply by April 15 will receive a response by the first week of May.

Applications for both programs may be downloaded from:

For further information, please email or check these links:

Academic summer programs in Baar (Switzerland)

We are glad to inform you, last year IPD successfully organised  International Summer Academy in Peacebuilding, Conflict Transformation, Mediation and Intercultural Dialogue during the 17-27 August, 2014 with the participation of participants and experts from Nigeria, France, Mexico, Canada, United Arab Emirates, USA, Denmark, Romania, Germany, Netherlands, Kyrgyzstan, China, Malaysia, Congo, Costa Rica, Armenia, Turkey, Switzerland, UK, Serbia, Estonia, Malta and Republic of Macedonia and specially visit of Honorary Guest Mr. Hubert Schuler the Kantonsratspräsident des Kantons Zug.

It is pleasure for us to introduce you our next coming international academic summer programs in Baar (very close by train to Zurich, Bern and Luzern Kantons), one of the beautiful places of Kanton Zug.

A) International Summer Academy programs in Peacebuilding, Mediation, Conflict Resolution & Intercultural Dialogue,-Mediation-Conflict-Resolution-2015/

– I Summer Academy: 7-17 August, 2015         (11 Days)

– II Summer Academy: 17-27 August, 2015      (11 Days)

Place: Baar, Switzerland


B) 3 Month Certificated Academic School in Mediation & Conflict Resolution (CAS in MCR)

Date: 17 August – 17 November 2015

Place: Switzerland


Scholarship: There have several types of scholarship offer on participation fee amount for the potential participants, if they request and pay the discounted fee before the 24 April, 2015.



Summer School in Comparative and Transnational History: Theories, Methodology and Case Studies, EUI, Fiesole, 14 – 17 September 2015


Are you dissatisfied with the study of national history? Do you want to widen your historical horizons? If so the tenth EUI Summer School in Transnational and Comparative History is for you. It will take place in September 2015 in the historic Villa Schifanoia set in beautiful gardens overlooking Florence.

The Department of History and Civilization at the European University Institute is a major centre for the study of comparative and transnational European history and of European history in a global perspective. Its annual Summer School has established itself as an exciting and stimulating experience for postgraduate students. Whether you are interested in political, social, cultural, intellectual or economic history, it will give you a unique opportunity to broaden your research interests and methodological reflection.

Leading specialists from the European University Institute and other major universities will lead seminars on different aspects of comparative and transnational history, and provide feedback on your own research projects. All the activities are conducted in English.

You will also have the chance to meet EUI doctoral researchers, participate in the academic life of this centre of excellence, and visit the Library and the Historical Archives of the European Union. Information will also be given on possibilities for pursuing doctoral studies at the European University Institute.

Participants should be students of history, the social sciences and related fields, of any nationality. Participants should be graduates or students in their last year. Enrolment numbers are limited and admission is based on merit.

Deadline:  30 April 2015

More info are available here:

Summer School “Understanding the Middle East. The Transformation of Contentious Politics”, Torino, 29th June – 03rd July 2015

Within the context of the TOMidEast initiatives, the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society of the University of Turin, is pleased to announce the second edition of the Summer School “Understanding the Middle East” dedicated this year to the issue of the Transformation of Contentious Politics.

The profound changes that have occurred across the Middle East over the past four years have challenged the geographical and also political notion of borders and boundaries.

With regard to geographical borders, the Arab uprisings have undoubtedly helped make them more porous showing that they can be easily criss-crossed by transnational groups offering new unifying ideologies.

With respect to the political order, the revolts have produced major changes in the organization of citizens’ claims, challenging the boundaries between state and society. From this point of view, the most visible element is the demand for dignity springing from workers’ movements, trade unions, minority associations, and all sorts of other local citizens’ groups. “Street politics” has re-emerged forcefully contributing to change how politics is and should be conducted in at least some countries of the region.

Both challenges to traditional borders and boundaries have led to the emergence of new actors employing discourses and practices that are destabilising. This destabilisation can have positive effects – the introduction of the language of rights for instance in political discourse – or negative ones- the rise of sectarian violence. In any case both challenges need further examination and the second edition of the summer school “Understanding the Middle East” focuses precisely on them.

The School will provide students with a set of analytical tools through enabling them to understand and explain the complexity of the Middle East.


Scientific Committee

Gilbert AchcarSOAS, LondonFrancesco CavatortaLaval University, Quebec CityRosita Di PeriUniversity of Turin (Summer School coordinator)Raymond HinnebuschSt. Andrews University, St. AndrewsFadia KiwanSt. Joseph University, Beirut; Ilter TuranBilgi University, Istanbul.


TOMidEast secretary, Mrs Violetta Ubertalli, can be reached via email at, or by writing at the following address:

c/o Department of Cultures, Politics and Societies
Lungo Dora Siena 100
10153 Torino – ITALY

Lancaster Summer School in Corpus Methods for the Humanities

Lancaster Summer School in Corpus Methods for the Humanities
Lancaster University, UK
14th to 17th July 2015

Call for Participation

We are pleased to announce the first Lancaster Summer School in Corpus Methods for the Humanities. This free-to-attend summer school is taught by an interdisciplinary group of Lancaster University scholars from departments including History, English and Creative Writing, Linguistics and English Language, and Computing and Communications.

Across the Arts and Humanities, a number of parallel trends are developing new methods, especially digital methods, for reading text and texts. We see this in the form of the Digital Humanities enterprise, but also in renewed interest in different forms of Distant Reading.

Thus there exists a growing need for advanced digital-methods training for Arts and Humanities researchers. Meanwhile, a set of effective tools and techniques have been developed within the discipline of Corpus Linguistics which can answer this methodological need, allowing jointly qualitative-quantitative analyses which go beyond statistical summary to a critical engagement with text and context.

The Lancaster Summer School in Corpus Methods for the Humanities has been inaugurated to help explore and extend the benefits of these approaches for researchers, particularly PhD students and other junior researchers, in arts and humanities fields.


The programme consists of a series of intensive two-hour sessions, some involving practical work, others more discussion-oriented.

Topics include: Introduction to corpus linguistics; Corpus tools and techniques; Collecting corpus data; Foundational techniques – linking quantitative results to qualitative analysis; Foundational techniques – keywords; Foundational techniques – collocation; Studying social history with corpora – prostitution in the 17th century; Using corpora in early modern Literary Studies; Spelling variation – problems, analysis and solutions; Studying conceptual history using EEBO-TCP; Exploring Shakespeare’s language with corpus techniques.

Speakers include: Alison Findlay, Stephen Pumfrey, Jonathan Culpeper, Ian Gregory, and Tony McEnery.

This is one of five co-located Lancaster Summer Schools in Interdisciplinary Digital Methods; see the website for further information:

Who can attend?

This event is aimed at junior humanities researchers – especially PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. Anyone with an interest in the analysis of large-scale textual resources – will find this summer school of interest.

How to apply

The Summer School is free to attend, but registration in advance is compulsory, as places are limited.

The deadline for registrations is Sunday 7th June 2015.

The application form is available on the event website:

Seventh Annual European Summer School on Cold War History

Università di Trento, LSE IDEAS-Cold War Studies Programme, European University Institute, Università Roma Tre, Universität Wien, and Universitàdi Bologna, are jointly convening the Seventh Annual European Summer School on Cold War History.

This year it will be organised by Università Roma Tre and Università Roma Tor Vergata, and kindly hosted by the Società Geografica Italiana, 17-19 September 2015.

The Summer School is a unique conference specifically for PhD students and early career researchers. It consist of workshops and panel sessions focused on submitted research papers, debates on historiography, broad interpretative issues and new research directions. The school offers an informal atmosphere in which new ideas and research directions can be shared and debated, be it in panel sessions, or over morning coffee or dinner.

The school has a very high student to faculty ratio (2:1) allowing participants to have in depth discussions about their research with established scholars in the field.

PhD students and early career researchers (no more than 3 years from PhD completion) are invited to submit proposals. We encourage submissions on any aspect of the Cold War, broadly defined. Of particular interest are papers that make use of newly available primary sources and innovative methodologies.

The call for papers closes 30 April. For more information please visit: