Possibilità di tirocinio a Madrid (6-8 mesi a partire da Settembre 2015)

The International Students Admission and Support Service of the University CEU San Pablo in Madrid offers the
possibility of a traineeship.
More information are available here: Traineeship

Antwerp Summer University: Experience entrepreneurship. An intensive introduction.


An introduction to entrepreneurship based on eight theoretical sessions, visits and testimonials and an intensive group work on a real life case.



University of Antwerp, Belgium



24 August – 4 September 2015


For Whom?

Master students or bachelor students in their last year who are interested in discovering entrepreneurship. As the summer school is interdisciplinary by nature, students from all disciplines are encouraged to apply.


Tuition fee?

€ 400

Application details?

Online before 25 May 2015



4 ECTS credits are awarded upon successful completion of the programme.


More information


Opportunità di traineeship a Barcellona da settembre 2015 (2 o 3 mesi)

Informazioni sul tirocinio si trovano nel file IWP Placement Offer.


Internship at Modern Polyglot, Cork (Ireland)

Modern Polyglots Ltd, founded in Ireland, offers the possibility to develop students’ professional careers as interns.

Modern Polyglot was set up in Cork, and as a fast-growing company, it expanded its services to Limerick and Dublin. As a leading translation agency, with more than 20 years of experience, the agency embraces all languages and subject areas offering professional and high quality services. We offer certified translations and interpreting services, but also legal advice.

Modern Polyglots is interested in involvement of young specialists in its business, we offer unpaid internships to students, who wish to work in spheres of translations, interpreting, as legal advice and web-development, as marketing researchers and accountants to apply their skills.

We are currently looking for interns for the position of Office Administrator, Web developer, Legal Officer, Market researcher and Accountant, Secretary/Interpreter, English teacher and Business adviser starting immediately or from early January 2015 for a period of 3, 6 or 9 months.

This Programme is an opportunity for all the people who have a degree and willing to improve their English, the second language mostly spoken in the world. It will also help them to get better professional skills, as we can offer them to work with us or in other the best and biggest 100 Irish Companies.

All that the students interested in our internship need to do is:

  • Apply to us by sending their EUROPASS STANDARD CV and a Cover letters in English to info@modernpolyglotie

Candidate may be offered a Skype interview.

Our contacts:

modern.polyglots@yahoo.ie in Chinese

advocate4eu@gmail.com in English

Lezioni del prof. Klaus Vieweg nell’ambito mobilità docenti Erasmus + (11-13 maggio)

Nell’ambito dell’attività del Dottorato di Filosofia Pisa-Firenze e grazie a uno scambio del programma Erasmus il prof. Klaus Vieweg (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena) terrà, nell’auletta C del II piano di Palazzo Carità, Via Paoli 15, tre lezioni sul tema attualità della filosofia pratica di hegel

Le lezioni saranno dedicate, più specificamente, ai seguenti temi:

  1. La teoria hegeliana della volontà libera (lunedì 11 maggio, ore 10-13)
  2. La “visione morale del mondo”. Sulla critica di Hegel alla ragion pratica della filosofia trascendentale (martedì 12 maggio, ore 10-13)
  3. Crash del capitalismo? Hegel sulla società civile e la sua regolazione (mercoledì 13 maggio, ore 15-18)

Il prof. Vieweg parlerà in tedesco, ma una traduzione italiana verrà distribuita a lezione ed è gia scaricabile dal sito http://siti.cfs.unipi.it/phd-phil/ (sezione “Materiali”).

Bando per tesi all’estero

E’ stato pubblicato il nuovo Bando per l’assegnazione di n. 40 contributi di mobilità per tesi all’estero – anno 2015, riservato a  studenti iscritti ai corsi di laurea magistrale e laurea magistrale a ciclo unico.

E’ possibile scaricare il bando e la relativa modulistica al seguente link: http://www.unipi.it/index.php/opportunita-allestero/item/1285-tesi-di-laurea-allestero .

Inoltre il regolamento e’ reperibile al seguente link: http://www.unipi.it/index.php/statuto-e-regolamenti/item/1582-area-didattica-e-studenti .

La scadenza per la presentazione della domanda e’ il 5 giugno 2015.

Mobilità in Canada (First Term 2015-16)

Il Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere ha recentemente stipulato un accordo di mobilità (studenti e docenti) con la Concordia University College of Alberta (CUCA), Edmonton (Canada): http://concordia.ab.ca


E’ dunque possibile per uno/a studente/essa del Dipartimento trascorrere il primo semestre dell’a.a. 2015/16 presso la CUCA, dando un numero di esami corrispondente a 30 ects.

Il primo semestre presso la CUCA dura dal 31 agosto al 4 dicembre.

Lo/a studente/essa dovrà, perciò, risiedere nel campus della CUCA per circa tre mesi e mezzo (per informazioni, consultare il file Accommodation). L’accordo di mobilità prevede accesso a tutti i corsi della CUCA senza il pagamento di alcuna tassa di iscrizione.


L’Università di Pisa assegna al Dipartimento una borsa di studio, dell’importo di 3.000 €, per coprire i costi di spostamento, vitto e alloggio, nonché assicurazione presso la CUCA.

Tale borsa di studio è, tuttavia, subordinata al conseguimento dei 30 ects. L’importo è proporzionalmente ridotto se lo/a studente/essa conseguono un numero minore di ects.

Gli esami che si possono sostenere nel primo semestre si trovano a questo link: http://concordia.ab.ca/timetables/ (Selezionare dal menù a tendina: 2015 Fall Term)


Gli/le studenti/esse interessati/e a tale mobilità, sono pregati/e di far pervenire la loro domanda, utilizzando questo formato (Application form) entro e non oltre lunedì 18 maggio alle ore 13:00 inviandola per email ai seguenti indirizzi arturo.marzano@unipi.it ; clorito7@gmail.com


Alla domanda dovranno essere allegati:

  • un breve CV;
  • possibili certificati che confermino la buona/ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese;
  • l’elenco degli esami sostenuti nella forma scaricabile dal portale Alice. Gli studenti iscritti alle Lauree Magistrali dovranno assolutamente presentare anche l’elenco degli esami sostenuti durante il corso di studi concluso con la Laurea Triennale.


Tra gli/le studenti/esse che abbiano fatto domanda verrà fatta una prima selezione sulla base della documentazione presentata. Gli/le studenti/esse ritenuti/e più meritevoli/e verranno contattati/e (via email) e invitati/e a sostenere un colloquio orale, in inglese.


Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di contattare:

Dott. Arturo Marzano, CAI del Dipartimento: arturo.marzano@unipi.it

Dott.ssa Claudia Lo Rito, Vice CAI: clorito7@gmail.com

Kosovo International Summer Academy 2015 (4 ECTS)

“Peace building in post-conflict areas – Diplomacy, Leadership and Negotiations” www.academy-ks.org

Final Deadline: June 5th, 2015

Open to (Eligibility): High school graduates, undergraduate, graduate students.

Date/Venue: 12 – 22 July 2015, Prishtina, Kosovo

Scholarships: A number of scholarships are available for most qualified applicants



In 2015 the Kosovo Center of Diplomacy, in cooperation with University College “Victory”, will organize the third edition of its international summer program, the Kosovo International Summer Academy” in Prishtina, Kosovo, with a special focus in “Peace building in post-conflict areas – Diplomacy, Leadership and Negotiations”. KSA will be welcoming experts from different levels that will be teaching and sharing their academic and professional experiences with our participants, as well as will give the chance to our participants to take the information from the first hand.  Kosovo International Summer Academy elaborate different topics:

  • Politics
  • Economics
  • Diplomacy
  • Professional Etiquette and Protocol
  • Leadership
  • Peaceful Conflict Resolution
  • EU Integration Process
  • International Law
  • Human Rights
  • International Justice
  • International Security and
  • The Role of Civic Society in Peacebuilding.


Program Features

Our Staff are working intensively to make sure that high-ranking officials of Kosovo, including President of Kosovo, Government and Parliament officials, and representatives of diplomatic missions in Kosovo will address the participants.

After the completion of the program, participants are requested to write an essay about their experience in this program, or an article related to Kosovo. The best essay/article will be translated and published in a Kosovo daily newspaper, and two others will be posted in web-page of Kosovo Center of Diplomacy(Opinions section)


Awarded Certificates and ECTS

All participants and attendees who fulfill the requirements during the program will be awarded with certificates by the Kosovo Center of Diplomacy and University College “Victory”.

Successful students will receive 4 ECTS credits of the course of ‘’Negotiation and Conflict Resolution’’, issued by the University College ‘’Victory’’.


Excursions and Cultural Activities

Throughout your study-abroad experience in Kosovo you will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of excursions and cultural activities.

  • •Visit of the Assembly of Kosovo
  • Field trip to Prizren
  • Field trip to Mitrovica
  • Field trip to Mirusha Waterfalls
  • Tour of museums and statues
  • Meetings with high-ranking officials and ambassadors



  • • Citizens of all countries in the world are eligible to apply
  • • You must be over the age of 18
  • • High school graduates, undergraduate and graduate students are eligible
  • • You must be in good academic standing
  • • To have valid health insurance for the duration of your stay in Kosovo.


Application Form

A completed Application Form is necessary to register for the Kosovo International Summer Academy. A confirmation letter will be sent by e-mail to all applicants upon reception of the application. All applicants will additionally be informed by e-mail regarding the decision of KSA Admissions Committee.

A completed application form with all supporting documents should be sent to: apply@academy-ks.org with the subject line: Kosovo International Summer Academy Application Form. Should you have additional questions regarding the admission process or any other concerns related to Kosovo Summer Academy 2015, please do not hesitate to contact us via email: info@academy-ks.org


Tuition fees

The tuition fee for the Kosovo Summer Academy is 850 EUR.

Program fee covers the following:

  1. Tuition – Tuition fee for the courses.
  2. Accommodation in Hotel Victory – The program fee covers accommodation during the length of the programme.
  3. Transportation between Prishtina International Airport and the hotel.
  4. Meals – All scheduled meals are included in the program fee.
  5. Coffee break – All scheduled coffee and drinks between courses are included in the program fee.
  6. Vocational trips – All scheduled vocational trips(entrance fees of visits to museums, galleries, etc.) are included in the program fee.

Scholarships awarding criteria

The following criteria are considered in the admissions process:

  1. Submitting your application early
  2. Financial need
  3. Merit and existing leadership experience
  4. Intercultural experience


  • Visa Deadline: May 5th, 2015 (This Deadline applies if you need a visa to enter Kosovo)
  • Final Deadline: June 5th, 2015

*Scholarships will be given priority to applications received before this deadline. Scholarships are awarded on a rolling basis and earlier applications are given priority.

Please find the link for application here: http://academy-ks.org/?page_id=432 . For further information please visit official website http://academy-ks.org/ or the official Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kosovo-International-Summer-Academy/752654478147944?ref=hl , of the Kosovo International Summer Academy.

Summer schools in Amsterdam

For all types of students:

Grant Writing and Proposal Development 
21 June – 2 July 


For students who have completed at least three years of a Bachelor’s programme:

Hidden Genocides: Overshadowed by the Holocaust 
12 – 31 July 2015



For graduate and talented advanced undergraduates (and professionals):

The 9th Summer Institute on Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction

July 5 – 17, 2015 www.uva.nl/summer-addiction


Students can send in their applications until May 5th.