Incontro informativo Erasmus + 2016-17

In vista dell’apertura del bando Erasmus + 2016-17, venerdì 4 marzo alle ore 10:30, nell’Aula Magna di Palazzo Matteucci (Piazza Torricelli 2), si terrà un incontro informativo per gli/le studenti/esse dei Dipartimenti di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere e Filologia, Letteratura, Linguistica.

Tutti/e gli/le interessati/e sono invitati/e a partecipare.



Traineeships available at TRANSLIT, Ireland

TRANSLIT – Complete Language Solutions is an established language service provider based in Ireland specialising in Translation, Interpreting and Localisation.

There is availability to accept students on Office Administration internship placement for 3-6 months starting immediately.

Between the two office locations in Cork and Limerick, TRANSLIT can typically accommodate 4-5 students during a year on 3, 4 or 6 months cooperating with national and international Higher Education Institutions and student placement organisations. Each office has a manager. This is a great opportunity for graduates and master students to get working experience in a professional environment.


There are three vacancies TRANSLIT normally advertises:

  1. Office Administrator (translation, localisation, interpreting) – by TRANSLIT
  2. Web Developer / Graphics Design / Digital Media – advertised by VIP WEB (
  3. Marketing Researcher and Social Media Promotion – any department

The 1st position is ideal for students doing the following courses:

  • Business Studies / Business & Language
  • Language Studies
  • Applied Languages
  • Language & Literature
  • European / International / Foreign Studies
  • Journalism
  • HR / Management
  • Accounting & Finance

The 2nd one would suite most:

  • Web / Software Development
  • Digital Media Design
  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer Systems

The 3rd position is ideal for:

  • Business Studies
  • Marketing / Advertisement
  • Sales
  • Research
  • Social Media
  • New Media
  • PR

For more details, students can write to Bastien Escudé,

Bando contributi mobilità CFU all’estero

Bando per l’assegnazione di contributi di mobilità per l’acquisizione di CFU all’estero – Anno 2016

L’università di Pisa ha messo a disposizione borse di mobilità finalizzate al conseguimento da parte degli studenti iscritti ai corsi di Laurea Triennale e Magistrale di CFU all’estero presso Atenei coperti da convenzioni per il rilascio di titoli doppi o congiunti, Atenei extra-europei con cui il Dipartimento ha una convenzione, o presso istituzioni europee NON coperte da accordi Erasmus (che pertanto lo/a studente/essa deve individuare autonomamente). L’importo della borsa è proporzionale al numero di CFU acquisiti secondo le indicazioni indicate nel bando.

Sottolineamo alcune questioni che ci sono state poste da alcuni/e studenti/esse:

a) Come scritto sopra, i CFU vanno conseguiti in sedi NON coperte da accordi Erasmus.

b) I crediti vanno conseguiti entro settembre 2017.

c) La borsa viene erogata SOLO in seguito al conseguimento dei CFU. Se non vengono conseguiti i CFU previsti, l’importo della borsa va restituito.

d) Viene data priorità agli studenti che non abbiano avuto esperienze di mobilità estera. Tuttavia, tale borsa è compatibile con l’Erasmus + e i mesi di mobilità internazionale svolti per il conseguimento di questi CFU non si sommano a quelli già svolti con il programma Erasmus. In altre parole, i mesi svolti all’interno di quest’altro programma di mobilità non attingono al “monte mesi” pari a 12, previsti per ciascun ciclo di studi.

e) Per chi fosse attualmente in mobilità Erasmus , i due periodi (fermo restando che i CFU vanno conseguiti presso istituzioni con cui non esistono accordi Erasmus) non possono sovrapporsi o farsi in continuità. È quindi necessario un periodo (anche molto breve) di interruzione.

Documenti utili:


Domanda di candidatura 2016

Facsimile di Learning Agreement

Modulo di assunzione di responsabilità


Modalità di consegna della domanda:

La domanda (con allegati: il modulo di assunzione di responsabilità; il Learning Agreement; l’elenco degli esami sostenuti nella forma scaricabile dal portale Alice; possibili certificati che confermino la buona/ottima conoscenza della lingua straniera dell’Istituzione presso la quale i CFU saranno conseguiti) dovrà essere inviata IMPROROGABILMENTE per email entro il giorno 14 marzo 2016 (ore 17:00) all’indirizzo

Possibili colloqui per definire la graduatoria saranno svolti in una data da determinare che sarà comunicata per email ai candidati. 

Summer School of Oral History – Prague

A Summer School of Oral History will be held in September 2016 by the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague.

 This Summer School aims to introduce students from all over the world to the newest trends and procedures of oral history, as well as to theoretical aspects and practical impacts of new media and technology on oral history.

Please find more information concerning the summer school on the attached leaflet or on the website at

Kosovo International Summer Academy 2016

It is with great pleasure to announce that the call for applications for Kosovo International Summer Academy 2016, with a special focus on “Peace building in post-conflict areas – Diplomacy, Leadership and Negotiations”, is now open!


Date/Venue: 12-22 July 2016. Prishtina, Kosovo


Scholarships: A number of scholarships are available for most qualified applicants




In 2016 the Kosovo Center of Diplomacy, in cooperation with University College “Victory”, will organize the fourth edition of its international summer program, the “Kosovo International Summer Academy” in Prishtina, Kosovo, with a special focus on “Peace building in post-conflict areas – Diplomacy, Leadership and Negotiations”


The Kosovo International Summer Academy will be welcoming distinguished professors from the world’s most prestigious universities, diplomats, high-ranking officials, and representatives of civic society, to teach courses and deliver speeches on:

  • Politics
  • Economics
  • Diplomacy
  • Professional Etiquette and Protocol
  • Leadership
  • Peaceful Conflict Resolution
  • EU Integration Process
  • International Law
  • Human Rights
  • International Justice
  • International Security and
  • The Role of Civic Society in Peacebuilding


Program Features

Our Staff is working intensively to make sure that high-ranking officials of Kosovo, including President of Kosovo, Government and Parliament officials, and representatives of diplomatic missions in Kosovo will address the participants.


After the completion of the program, participants are requested to write an essay about their experience in this program, or an article related to Kosovo. The best essay/article will be translated and published in a Kosovo daily newspaper, and two others will be posted in web-page of Kosovo Center of Diplomacy(Opinions section).



Awarded Certificates and ECTS

All participants and attendees who fulfill the requirements during the program will be awarded with certificates by the Kosovo Center of Diplomacy and University College “Victory”.


Successful students will receive 4 ECTS credits of the course of ‘’Negotiation and Conflict Resolution’’, issued by the University College ‘’Victory’’.


Excursions and Cultural Activities


Throughout your study-abroad experience in Kosovo you will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of excursions and cultural activities.

  • Tour of the Institutions of Kosovo
  • Field trip to Prizren
  • Field trip to Mitrovica
  • Field trip to Mirusha Waterfalls
  • Tour of museums and statues
  • Meetings with high-ranking officials and ambassadors


  • Citizens of all countries in the world are eligible to apply
  • You must be over the age of 18
  •  High school graduates, undergraduate and graduate students are eligible
  •  You must be in good academic standing


Application Form (download here)

A completed application form is necessary to register for the Kosovo International Summer Academy. A confirmation letter will be sent by e-mail to all applicants upon reception of the application. All applicants will additionally be informed by e-mail regarding the decision of KSA Admissions Committee.

A completed application form with all supporting documents should be sent to: with the subject line: Kosovo International Summer Academy Application Form. Should you have additional questions regarding the admission process or any other concerns related to Kosovo Summer Academy 2016, please do not hesitate to contact us via email: .


Scholarships awarding criteria


The following criteria are considered in the admissions process:

  1. Submitting your application early
  2. Financial need
  3. Merit and existing leadership experience
  4. Intercultural experience


  • Priority deadline: May 1st, 2016
  • Visa Deadline: May 5th, 2016 (This Deadline applies if you need a visa to enter Kosovo)
  • Final Deadline: June 5th, 2016*Scholarships are awarded on a rolling basis and earlier applications are given priority.

Please find the link for application here: For further information please visit official website or the official Facebook page of Kosovo International Summer Academy:


Call for application Master MIM – deadline 15 March 2016

The European Master Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration (MIM) is a two-year study programme jointly offered by Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia (Venice), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Barcelona) and Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier(Montpellier). With an experience of 15 years, the MIM is a highly qualified academic programme focused on Mediterranean exchanges and integration. Its course is structured to give students a total of 120 ECTS, with three nationally recognized degrees (Master di I livello, Magister, M2).

Selection procedure:

More information concerning the Master are available here: 

Bando Consortium Traineeship (a.a. 2015/2016) – scadenza 5 marzo

È stato pubblicato il nuovo Bando Consortium Traineeship (a.a. 2015/2016),  che prevede l’attribuzione di n. 48 contributi di mobilità, per lo svolgimento di traineeship all’estero della durata minima di 2 mesi (60 giorni).

La domanda va fatta online. La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è fissata alle ore 12 del 5 marzo 2016.

L’elemento centrale della domanda è il Traineeship Proposal Form, che deve essere firmato e timbrato dall’ente ospitante, controfirmato dal CAI (inviandolo per email:, e poi caricato sul sito.

Il Bando (con tutte le indicazioni relative alla durata, la cifra della borsa, la tipologia di ente ospitante, i requisiti di ammissione, le condizioni di compatibilità e incompatibilità) è reperibile qui.

Tutte le informazioni sono disponibili nel Portale Consortium.

Borse di studio al Museo del Prado – scadenza 16 febbraio 2016

Becas Meadows Museum-Museo del Prado

Application deadline: Feb 16, 2016

El Museo Nacional del Prado y el Meadows Museum de Dallas ofrecen un programa conjunto de becas remuneradas, para estudiantes graduados, destinadas a la formación de especialistas en historia del arte, en el Museo del Prado, y en el Meadows Museum.
El objeto de las becas Meadows Museum – Museo Nacional del Prado es contribuir a la formación de investigadores y especialistas en las áreas de conservación de las colecciones del Museo Nacional del Prado entre los siglos XV-XVIII, ambos inclusive. Una beca se destinará a las colecciones de los siglos XV y XVI, y la segunda, a las colecciones del Barroco, siglos XVII-XVIII, en cualquier escuela representada en el Prado.
Los candidatos seleccionados por el Museo del Prado podrán disfrutar de dos semanas durante el desarrollo de la beca como personal invitado en el Meadows Museum en intercambio con el candidato o candidatos seleccionados por el Meadows Museum.

Más información, convocatoria e impreso de solicitud en la página web del Museo Nacional del Prado:

Reference / Quellennachweis:
STIP: Becas Meadows Museum-Museo del Prado. In: H-ArtHist, Jan 31, 2016. <>.