EURIAS postdoctoral Fellowships 2017-18

EURIAS Fellowship Programme is an international researcher mobility programme bringing together 18 Institutes for Advanced Study across Europe (Aarhus, Berlin, Bologne, Budapest, Cambridge, Delmenhorst, Edinburgh, Freiburg, Helsinki, Jérusalem, Lyon, Madrid, Marseille, Paris, Uppsala, Vienne, Wassenaar et Zürich). It offers 48 fellowships for the year 2017/2018.
EURIAS Fellowships are mainly offered in the fields of the humanities and social sciences but may also be granted to scholars in life and exact sciences, provided that their proposed research project does not require laboratory facilities and that it interfaces with humanities and social sciences.

The Programme welcomes applications worldwide from promising young scholars as well as from leading senior researchers.

More information are available here: EURIAS Call 2017-18.

Graduatoria bando Erasmus + 2016-17

Pubblichiamo di seguito le graduatoria dell’Erasmus + per studio e dell’Erasmus + per Traieeship (Graduatoria I bando 2016-17).

Per quanto concerne l’Erasmus + per traineeship, dato l’altissimo numero di domande, abbiamo dovuto ridurre il numero di mesi assegnati a ciascuno/a studente/essa, in modo tale che tutti coloro che avessero fatto domanda potessero partire.

Ricordo nuovamente a tutti/e gli/le studenti/esse l’incontro informativo che si terrà venerdì 8 aprile, ore 16,30 in aula FIL BAR (Via P. Paoli, 15 – I piano).