Risultati bando Erasmus + 2017-18

Tutti/e gli/le studenti/esse che abbiano fatto domanda (entro le ore 12,00 di lunedì 3 aprile) riceveranno giovedì 6 aprile una email (all’indirizzo di posta elettronica indicato sulla domanda), nella quale verrà loro indicata la sede assegnata o la durata del tirocinio. Riceveranno una email anche coloro la cui domanda non è stata accolta per vizio di forma e/o mancanza dei requisiti.

Venerdì 7 aprile, dalle ore 13,30 alle ore 15,30, in aula Car-1 (Palazzo Carità, via Paoli 15)avrà luogo un incontro informativo con i vincitori, durante il quale verranno spiegate le procedure burocratiche da seguire prima, durante e dopo la partenza. La partecipazione all’incontro è obbligatoria.  


Segnaliamo agli/le studenti/esse di DISCO, SBC, SAVS che presso la galleria d’arte Art Fusion BCN, a Barcellona, c’è la possibilità di svolgere un tirocinio di 6 mesi dal 1° gennaio al 30 giugno 2018.

Chi fosse interessato può inviare una email con il proprio CV e una lettera di motivazione all’indirizzo info@artfusionbcn.com, mettendo in copia l’ufficio Erasmus (erasmus@cfs.unipi.it).

Maggiori informazioni si trovano qui: Tirocinio presso l’Art Fusion BCN.

Institute for Peace & Dialogue (IPD) International Summer Academy

Institute for Peace & Dialogue, IPD is one of the leading organiser of several successful annual international academic trainings and research programs in Switzerland in the field of peacebuilding, conflict transformation, mediation, security, intercultural dialogue and human rights which these events bring together state, private and public sector representatives.

Its pleasure for us to invite you to join the next 10-20 Days International Summer Academy and 3 Month CAS-Research Program which will be held in Switzerland.

During the Summer Program 2017 experienced experts of IPD will share with you professional and academic skills about Peacebuilding, Conflict Resolution, Mediation, Security, Intercultural Dialogue & Human Rights topics. This year we include also 1 day to trip Zurich City for Sightseeing and have lunch together.

Depends from the opportunities in the filled application participants can choose either 10 or 20 days summer program or you can stay for 3 month period as a researcher.


VII International Summer Academy: 11 – 20 August, 2017 (10 Days)

VIII International Summer Academy: 20 – 29 August, 2017 (10 Days)

The main goal of the 10-20 days Summer Academy is to strengthen the skills of the representatives of state organisations, business sector, INGOs/NGOs, education institutions, religious organisations, independent mediators and politicians through institutional global academic education in peacebuilding, mediation, conflict resolution, security and intercultural dialogue.

Deadline for Applications: 01 June, 2017

Please note that there have early registration and reduced fee amount payment deadline till the 01 May, 2017

Program Link: http://www.ipdinstitute.ch/VII-VIII-Summer-Academy-2017-3-Month-CAS-Research-Program/


3 Month CAS – Research Program: 11 August – 08 November, 2017 (90 Days)

The main goal of the 3 Month CAS-Research Program is to develop the research skills of the participants and to closely acquaintance them with relevant Swiss state, public and private Institutes.

Deadline for Applications: 01 June, 2017

Please note that there have early registration and reduced fee amount payment deadline till the 01 May, 2017

Program Link: http://www.ipdinstitute.ch/VII-VIII-Summer-Academy-2017-3-Month-CAS-Research-Program/



We are looking for state, private, public and academic sending partner institutions from all over the world countries to send their individual or group participants to our short-long term academic programs. If your Institution interesting to be our sending partner organization, we will be glad to receive your proposals by email.


Participation Procedure Step by Step:

Submitting filled Application IPD in WORD format, CV + scanned passport page till the Deadline

Participant will receive Invoice to start the payment of the requested participation fee amount

After receiving the participation fee, participant will receive the unconditional letter via email and if there is required visa application process IPD will send invitation letter by post and also to the relevant embassy by email or fax.

We strongly advice to the participants to submit the filled application as soon as it`s possible, who needs visa to enter Switzerland and who needs more financial documentation in the work place for his/her participation.


Scholarship: IPD offer several type of scholarship support to reduce the participation fee amount for most needed potential participants from all over the world counties.

If you wish to get discounted participation fee amount, please write your request briefly via email before or during the application submission period.

Unfortunately IPD scholarship sources do not cover all the participation fee amount and international travel expenses and we only could offer you discounted fee amount.


If you will be any more questions or suggestions, please feel free to write us by email to fhuseynli@ipdinstitute.ch

Mobilità alla HUFS e alla CUoE

Sono aperte le selezioni per trascorrere un semestre o l’intero anno accademico 2017-18 presso le sedi extraeuropee con cui il Dipartimento ha un accordo di mobilità, la Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Seoul, South Korea) e la Concordia University of Edmonton (Canada).

La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è fissata per il 3 aprile alle ore 12:00.

Maggiori informazioni sono reperibili qui.

Reset DOC International Summer School – Venice, 5-10 June

Students and young scholars are welcome to participate to the Reset-DoC International Summer School 2017 that will take place in Venice from the 5th to the 10th of June 2017.  The Reset-DOC Summer School is organized in collaboration with Ca’ Foscari University in Venice and students are granted 6 CFU/ECTS after successful completion of the course work.

Please, see the application details here.

Mobilità a Friburgo (Svizzera)

Ricordiamo a tutti/e gli/le studenti/esse che è aperta la mobilità per Friburgo, presso la Facoltà di Art and Humanities.

Gli/le studenti/esse interessati/e devono inviare entro il 3 aprile ore 12,00 una email all’indirizzo dell’Ufficio Erasmus (erasmus@cfs.unipi.it) manifestando il loro interesse alla mobilità e allegando il CV, il certificato degli esami sostenuti e (se in possesso) il certificato di conoscenza del francese.

Corso di lingua tedesca a Bielefeld (4-30 agosto)

Dear Partner,
we would like to inform you about a special offer from Bielefeld University granting international students on all academic levels the opportunity to participate in a summer German language course in Bielefeld which takes place August 4-30, 2017.

We offer courses on the levels A2 up to C1 of the CEFR. The special feature of our Bielefeld German summer courses is the focus on scientific and technical language, whereby general language lessons at the B2/C1 level of the CEFR are combined with subject-specific language projects in Law, Economics, Mechatronics, Society/Politics or academic writing projects.

The programme aims on practicing language-specific academic and scientific structures and uses in German and the characteristics of doing scientific work in Germany. The courses are comprised of 25 lessons per week.

The courses are very suitable for cooperation students who would like to better their German and get to know Bielefeld University before starting their ERASMUS studies.

More information about the programme and how to sign up can be found in the attachment (Sommerdeutschkurse 2017) and on our website:

We would like to ask you to forward the attached information to your Department of Foreign Languages and to all interested students. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Theresa Brunsing (Phone.: +49 +521 106-3679, email: sommerkurse@uni-bielefeld.de).

Thank you very much!

Kind regards.

NUOVO BANDO ERASMUS 2017-18 – Incontro informativo

Gent.mi/e studenti/esse, segnalo a tutti/e che l’incontro informativo sul programma Erasmus + 2017-18 si terrà martedì 14 marzo alle ore 15,00 nell’Aula magna di Palazzo Matteucci, P.zza Torricelli 2.

Siete tutti/e invitati/e.

Pubblicazione nuovo bando Erasmus 2017-18

Gent.mi/e studenti/esse, segnalo a tutti/e che oggi, venerdì 3 marzo, è uscito il nuovo bando Erasmus:

La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 3 aprile alle ore 12:00.

Per informazioni relative alla mobilità, si prega di consultare questo sito: http://siti.cfs.unipi.it/International/international/erasmus/

Un incontro informativo si terrà martedì 14 marzo pomeriggio (seguiranno dettagli).