Borsa di Studio – Il Tuo Erasmus con ESN 2017

ESN Italia mette a disposizione 7 borse di studio dal valore di euro 500,00 ciascuna, da destinare a studenti outgoing quali contributi integrativi rispetto alle assegnazioni nazionali.

Tutti gli studenti regolarmente iscritti presso un istituto di istruzione superiore che ospita una sezione locale ESN possono rispondere al bando entro il 27 giugno 2017 alle ore 23:59 CET.

Tutti i dettagli sulla selezione e sulla prova sono riportati sul sito di ESN Italia all’indirizzo


Tirocinio alla San Pablo University

CEU San Pablo University is looking for two international students or graduates from other European countries to work in our International Office as International Assistant.

The profile we are interested in are active and creative students and graduates, with a high level of  English and medium level of Spanish.

The candidates will have the opportunity of working in the International Office (Campus Moncloa or Campus Montepríncipe) of  CEU San Pablo University during the Fall semester or the Complete Academic Year 2017-18. In addition, CEU San Pablo University offers free Spanish Language courses and 200 € per month  for living expenses.

More specific information about the conditions of the internship and the application is enclosed here.

Please note:

–              We can only accept applicants with the right to work in Spain.

–              Candidates should have a work and a health insurance with coverage in Spain.

–              Candidates should have an Erasmus + grant for traineeship

Traineeship a Praga

A position of a Web Application Developer within the Erasmus+ programme traineeship is available at the International Office, Faculty of Arts Charles University, Prague.

For more information, see the attachment.