Possibilità di tirocinio presso l’organizzazione ITACA

ITACA asbl desidera candidarsi come organizzazione ospitante tirocinanti Erasmus Traineeship per l’a.a. 2017/2018 e per l’a.a. 2018/2019.

ITACA (Italian and Transnational Association for Communities Abroad) è un’associazione senza scopo di lucro con sede a Bruxelles, i cui temi principali di lavoro sono le migrazioni internazionali e la mobilità, a partire dalle esperienze costruite e raccolte dalla rete del Patronato INCA CGIL nel mondo.

Ulteriori informazioni sull’organizzazione (Presentazione ITACA asbl) e sull’offerta tirocinio (Offerta di tirocinio ITACA asbl)

IX and X Summer Academy – Basel, Switzerland

10-20 Days Summer Academy will be held in Switzerland during the 16 – 25 July (IX Summer Academy) and 25 July – 03 August, 2018 (X Summer Academy).

Participants could choose one or both of the summer academies for participation or could stay for 3 Month CAS Research Program period to do research after participation in training.

During the past years IPD trained participants from Government Institutes, UN Agencies, OSCE, EIB, GIZ, Embassies, Courts, IOs, NGOs, Companies, University and participants with other relevant backgrounds.
Early Bird Application & Payment Deadline: 15 April, 2018
Late Application & Payment Deadline: 01 June, 2018
As part of the summer academy we included also trip to Luzern city and group lunch in Luzern city during the below stated dates:
– I Trip to Luzern & Lunch: No class day for participants: 21 July, 2018
– II Trip to Luzern & Lunch: No class day for participants: 30 July, 2018

For more information on participation fee, accommodation, experts, topics and etc. essential details please visit the program web site

Video Club of IPD Training, 29 October – 04 November 2017: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNwyXhGMry0
Video Club of IPD VII Summer Academy: 11-20 August, 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ldQ1hJHaZ8&feature=youtu.be
Video Club of IPD VIII Summer Academy: 20-29 August, 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_uawBq0viw&feature=youtu.be


1. Mr. Marc Finaud from Switzerland: 2 Full Class Days in 17 & 18 July, 2018
Day 1 Topic: The Middle East: Conflict Analysis and Arms Control
Day 2 Topic: Media, Communication, and Security Policy
2. Dr. Andrea Marrone from Netherlands: 1 full class day + 1 half class day in 19 & 20 July, 2018
Day 1 Topic: Public Policy and Justice
Day 2 Topic: Counter-terrorism, Migration & Human Rights
3. Ms. Elaine Kassanos from Switzerland: 2 Full Class Days in 22 & 23 July, 2018
Day 1 Topic: Cross-Cultural Negotiations and Ethics
Day 2 Topic: International Relations
4. Mr. Stefan Ziegler from Switzerland: 1 full class day + 1 half class day in 24 & 25 July, 2018
Day 1 Topic: Third Party Conflict Resolution: Strategies and Explanations
Day 2 Topic: Advocacy and Capacity Building
1. Dr. Markus Weilenman from Switzerland: 2 Full Class Days in 26 & 27 July, 2018
Day 1 Topic: International Law and Justice in development politics
Day 2 Topic: Conflict prevention and management in developing countries
2. Mr. Christophe Imhoos from Switzerland: 1 full class day + 1 half class day in 28 & 29 July, 2018
Day 1 Topic: Mediation and Negotiation
Day 2 Topic: Arbitration, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Litigation
3. Ms. Gundhild Hoenig from Switzerland: 2 Full Class Days in 31 July & 01 August, 2018
Day 1 Topic: Effective conflict intervention through Conflict-Coaching and Mediation across Cultures
Day 2 Topic: Diversity and Inclusion – intention and approach across cultures and faiths
4. Dr. Katarzyna Schubert-Panecka from Germany: 1 full class day + 1 half class day in 02 & 03 August, 2018
Day 1 Topic: Human Resource Management – organizations and human beings in the digitalized and globalized times
Day 2 Topic: Leadership with Emotional Intelligence

Scholarship: IPD offers several type of scholarship to minimize the participation fee amount for most needed potential participants from all over the world counties. In this matter to request discounted participation fee amount payment, please write your request briefly via email before or during the application submission period. Unfortunately IPD scholarship program can’t cover all the participation fee amount and international travel expenses.

Bando Consorzio ILO per Traineeship 2017/2018

È stato pubblicato in data 6 dicembre il Bando Consorzio ILO per Traineeship 2017/2018, consultabile a partire dalla pagina https://www.unipi.it/index.php/tirocini-all-estero/item/11359-bando-consorzio-ilo-per-traineeship-2017-2018.

Grazie a tale Bando, venti studenti/dottorandi/specializzandi potranno ricevere un contributo per lo svolgimento di un tirocinio all’estero della durata minima di 2 mesi (60 giorni), da concludere entro il 30/09/2018.

La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande online – recepite unicamente tramite il Portale Consortium, http://mobilityconsortium.e-admission.eu/ – è fissata alle ore 12 del 10 gennaio 2018.


Concorso SUSI (Study of the U.S. Institute)

Per gli/le studenti/esse italiani/e al primo e al secondo anno del corso di laurea triennale, sarà possibile frequentare per cinque settimane, tra giugno e luglio 2018, dei corsi intensivi sulle due tematiche selezionate: CIVIL ENGAGMENT (Presso la University of South Carolina) ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES (presso la University of Oregon).

Potranno candidarsi studenti iscritti a corsi di laurea preferibilmente affini alle suddette tematiche.

Il concorso SUSI (Study of the U.S. Institute) è aperto a studenti italiani e stranieri (con almeno 5 anni di residenza in Italia) e che abbiamo massimo 25 anni.

Le spese di viaggio, vitto e alloggio e l’assicurazione medica saranno coperti dal programma SUSI.

È necessario inviare la propria candidatura entro il 31/12/2017 a susi@fulbright.it .

Tutti i dettagli per candidarsi sono disponibili al seguente link: http://www.fulbright.it/susi-study-of-the-us-institute/.
