Programme fees

    Students can choose three options based on their needs and interests. Following are the modules available for the Summer programme in Humanities of the University of Pisa (2015). Please choose which you would like to attend.

    Please be aware that all Italian language lessons start on June 8th and finish on July 10th. Students starting a module in the second period can join midway. A test will determine the student’s entry level (A1, A2, B or C).

    – The Cradle of the Renaissance: Art in Tuscany 1400-1539 (3 weeks: 08-26/June): Option A1

    – The most Ancient of Minorities: the Italian Jews (3 weeks: 08-26/June): Option A2

    – The Making and Unmaking of Italy from the Risorgimento to the present times  (2 weeks: 29/June-10/July): Option B


    OPTION A (either A1 or A2) : One 3-week module

    Tuition only: 1,350 euros

    Tuition plus meals at the University’s dining halls: 1,500 euros


    OPTION B: One 2-week module

    Tuition only: 900 euros

    Tuition plus meals at the University’s dining halls1,000 euros


    OPTION C: One 3-week plus one 2-week modules (either A1 + B or A2 + B)

    Tuition only: 2,000 euros

    Tuition plus meals at the University’s dining halls:  2,250 euros


    A non-refundable 250 euros deposit (50 euros application fee and 200 euros deposit) is due with your application (the 200 euros deposit is refunded only if your application cannot be accepted.) No refund will be considered if you fail to complete the application process or you withdraw your application.) Students applying for the programme should apply by 30/3/2015.

    The balance of the program fee is due on or before 30/4/2015. (This is not contingent upon receiving an invoice.) Please inform the University of Pisa staff in writing of any change of address.

    Payments must be made via bank transfer  to the Università di Pisa.

    You will need the following information in order to make the payment:

    IBAN number: IT27o0856270910000011156460

    BIC or SWIFT code: BCCFIT33

    Reason for payment: Please specify the modules you are interested in as well as the dates